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Here are the race rules that we will be following during Downtown Hobby 9 race days. Please read the rules and please let the moderator know if you have any questions.

Box Stock Impound System
  1. Battery Changes NOT allowed

  2. When car are impounded & Inspected

  • Major changes NOT allowed (motor changes, gears, etc. )

  • Cars are not allowed to leave the table while it is still part of the event (Taking a car off the table without permission or valid reason will result to automatic disqualification of the car)

  • Major repairs is allowed as long you ask permission & show the damaged area to the martial.

B-Tuned Impound System
  1. When car are impounded & Inspected

  • Major changes NOT allowed (motor changes, gears, etc.)

  • Only Brakes can be adjusted once impounded (can only be adjust on the impound table).

  • Cars are not allowed to leave the table while it is still part of the event(Taking a car off the table without permission or valid reason will result to disqualification of the car).

  • Major repairs is allowed as long you ask permission & show the damaged area to the martial.

Race Rules
  1. Cars that courses out will be considered out of the race.

  2. Cars that lane changes due to a jump or bounce will be out of the race.

  3. Cars that looses major parts during the race will be out of the race (only wheels, tires & brake pads will acceptable due to its wear & tear nature).

  4. Cars that hang on the side wall will have 5 seconds to recover as long there is movement.

  5. Cars that flips will be out of the race (unless the car continues to run upside down while not being overlapped by other cars).

  6. Cars that disrupted another cars run due to bouncing to the wrong lane. A re-race will occur without the car that went to the wrong lane (re-race will not be considered if it disrupted the leading car with a huge gap from the car behind unless it causes the leading car to course out or stop).

  7. When all cars courses out a re-race will occur, maximum of 3 times.
    3rd re-race will be considered as a last car standing.


Race Information

Race information including prizes and fees.

Track Fees

Here are the track fees for all track members.

Race Rules

You can find the race rules here.

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